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Wednesday, 14 March 2012

A Lesson Learnt?

I'm getting shit at this 'keeping up writing a blog' idea of mine, aren't I? Originally planned as a daily outlet, this is something like my 13th in 4 months or something daft like that. Apologies if the blog wasn't as juicy or as good as you'd expect but chances are if you're reading you know what a boring individual I am so why would my blog be any different? Unless of course you're one of my avid readers from Macedonia or Japan, in which case I say konichiwa, or whatever happens to be Macedonian for hello. But I finally have something worthwhile writing about.

Today, we had what was described as our 'big exit lecture', in which attendance was supposedly compulsory. I was somewhat unreserved over what to expect, but even I couldn't have predicted the drab nature of what I was about to endure. A full 10 minutes on why we should never, in the National Student Survey, give them a mark of 3, because it does them as much good as a mark of 1. Thank you for giving me permission to say I was unsatisfied with your services Leeds Met, it is greatly appreciated. That bumps you up to a 2/5. Somewhat ironically, I have no intentions of filling in this survey, but given the nature of my attitude towards Leeds Met displayed in my blogs, I'm sure if they chose to read one of these, they'd be queuing up to pay me not to take the survey. But all in all, the lecture wasn't a complete waste of time. Well, it was in the sense that it didn't achieve its purpose, but it did get me thinking about what I've done/achieved myself at uni. I also realised I have a strange obsession with Andrew Garfield.

In just 7 and a half weeks (after the lecture I am so tired of hearing those 5 words incidentally) I will no longer be a university student. Simply exams stand in my way of being able to put those words that strike fear into hearts everywhere at the end of my name; "LLB (Hons)". Fantastic. Leeds Met's incompetencies aside, I've loved every minute thus far of my uni life, from the good to the bad. From the nights out, the city life itself, to the failed exams, and even my brush in with the law. Would I change any of it? Not a chance. Life wouldn't be the same without obstacles you have to overcome to be where you want to be. I hear you say "not change any of it, bullshit". I see where you're coming from, there probably are a few minor discrepancies that I would change, but every mistake you make is a learning curve in life. I've met some great people who I really like, I've met some people who I don't like. Hell, I've even had people who I've NOT met who dislike me but I guess this all comes with the territory of being so awesome. In 3 months time, I face up to the reality that I might never see some of them ever again. In some cases, this knowledge makes up for my sheer disappointment in their existence, in others, it somewhat disappoints me. It's all good and well saying "I'll stay in touch" but the reality is it was the same with some people from college. You drift. That said, the people you do genuinely want to keep in touch with, you do. You make it happen.

So what next for me? I have no idea. Into the big bad world I go with my eyes practically closed. A job would be ideal, doing what? In the current economy, I wouldn't rule out shelf-stacking at Asda or something. Ideally, I would love to stay in Leeds, I quite like the city life. But with the city life comes the expenses, bare minimum of £70-80 a week rent, bills to pay, council tax, food, it sharp adds up. And suddenly I'll be left with no money to do the things I want to stay in Leeds for. Tricky situation, huh? If this were an ideal world, I'd be presented with the opportunity of an easy, enjoyable, £25k a year job straight away, but it's not. But you know what they say, right? You get out of life what you put into it. Maybe now is the time to put some effort in to finding a real job. Even if I somehow manage to turn my nightclub job into a full-time one the money will be nowhere near enough. My house contract runs out on the 30th June, and so I have my deadline to work towards getting myself up and out into the cruel reality of life as an adult. Wish me luck.

Thanks for reading,


Monday, 27 February 2012

A Rant

As you probably guessed from the title, if you have a modicum of intelligence, this blog is going to just be one big rant of things I disagree with, as I don't have much to write about in my life these days.

Point number 1, to any of you who watch Geordie Shore, and follow on Twitter, you may have seen Gaz offering to "follow girls who tweet him pictures of their bum." My qualm is not with him (mainly because I could search all day and still not find logic as to why someone who pulls pretty much every night he goes out would act in such desperation) but with the girls who have been foolish enough to tweet their pictures. What is him following you really going to achieve in life? You have lost all self-respect to gain a 'celebrity' Twitter follower. Congratulations, I hope your parents are proud of this massive achievement and the ways in which you have gone about it. The things people do for 'fame' is really beyond belief. As Andy Warhol once said, "everyone will be famous for 15 minutes."

Point number 2, ignorance. Whether it be ignorance in the form of not saying thank you when you hold the door open, not using the word please, not texting back etc. Common courtesy, simple manners. Hardly any effort is required, please afford the effort I have given you, you ignorant shit. Or may it be ignorance to a situation. Stop pretending you don't know what's going on, because you do, and why you feel the need to play dumb baffles me beyond belief. Just for the record, if you're reading this point and thinking "he's talking about me here", I'm not talking about anyone in specific, but if you think I am talking about you, then chances are you've obviously fallen foul of my evidently high standards of mannerisms because you're feeling guilty. Either that, or you're ridiculously self-absorbed and need to realise the world does not revolve around you.

Point number 3, Piers Morgan. Everything about the man irritates me, from his arrogance to his sheer narcissism and condescension, and especially his football knowledge, or lack thereof. But I'll leave him for now, otherwise this entry will be too long to read.

Point number 5, people who can't count or spel. Basic education, or so you'd expect. Evidently not.

The real point number 5, for those imbeciles who didn't get the above joke, would have to be people who feel the need to lie to me. Why bother? There are white lies, I can accept. But I'm a man of reasonable intelligence. That's one bad (or good, whichever way you look at it) thing about social media outlets. The ability to know what people are doing, saying etc. Tell me one thing, then post the opposite on Facebook 10 minutes later and I'm probably going to realise that it is a lie. Again, aimed at no-one in particular, but I've seen it happen once or twice of late, not really to me I guess, but I know it's happened before. The problem is of course raising the issue, without being dubbed the "stalker". Chances are, the risk isn't worth the reward. You confront, and find out what you didn't wanna hear. But surely, it's better than never knowing the truth? Honesty is always the best policy.

Rant over, peace out. Hope you all enjoyed reading,


Wednesday, 8 February 2012


I've never been very good at making decisions. Which is why I make a lot of mistakes. I don't think my decisions through, I prefer to just leave it as late as possible to make a decision and hope that the situation dictates the decision I make. I guess this is kind of what's happened to me over the last week or so. The root stems longer than the last week, but I won't bore you with the details. It's much more beneficial to make you guess, to keep you reading. I've had to make a choice between 2 things, and for once just as I was swaying towards making a decision, it's not a decision anymore. One of the options has been removed from the equation. Sounds perfect for someone as indecisive as me, right? Wrong. The second option appears to be becoming more and more distant to me. And less appealing. But I can't have the first one it would appear. The classic case of wanting what you can't have, some would say. But this isn't the case. I was primed to pick option 1. All the pros and cons made sense. But life doesn't put everything on a plate for you, and at the risk of sounding like one of those "the world is against me" people, it never does for me. I may have learned a lesson from this about my decision making, or I may just take the Sheldon Cooper approach and carry a coin/dice to spin to make a decision for me, see how that works out for a while. At least then I couldn't blame myself.

Speaking of blaming myself, I have a lot of that to do at the minute. Apologies if you just fell off your chair, or spat your beverage all over the screen, but yes, you read correctly. The great 'Thomas "nothing is ever my fault" Pearson' taking responsibility for his actions. It's quite a rare, momentous occasion. In general. But in this particular situation. Most people I've chose to discuss the situation with seem to put me not at fault, so why am I putting myself at fault for a change? Well they're obviously going to be slightly biased. But I do see their point. But hey, if you can't accept responsibility at 20 year old, when can you? I've swallowed my pride, others should maybe follow suit.

Some of you may be familiar with the saying "regret nothing, because at one point it was what you wanted." I know what you're thinking, because I'm thinking the same. What a load of bollocks. How does this apply to words? 'At one point you wanted to say those words'. Yeah, fair point. But it doesn't mean you meant them, or the tone of voice. Do I regret my actions? Not very often. Do I regret my words? All the time. Right now, as I write this blog, I can envisage at some point in the near future I'm probably going to regret writing this blog. But I do it anyway. Again, me not thinking my decisions through. Classic. I have a few things to put right, due to ill-thought words spoken, which, yes, of course I regret. I have made this clear. But my apologies are yet to be accepted, and may never be. I really hope they are, sooner rather than later. How do you put something right then? Excuse the language, but I'll be fucked if I know. It seems like a very difficult task, but it will all be worthwhile. Me, I'd much prefer to sit back and hopefully let life surprise me by sorting it out for me for once, but I just don't see it happening. Looks like I'm flying solo on this one, and will have to put a lot of thought and effort into it.

A wise man once said "you can't change the past, but you can alter your future". I live by this saying, and it seems really relevant to my life right now. Not least because I was the wise man who said this. Ok, so someone probably said it before me. But so what, sue me. I can't change the past, no matter how much I wish I could, but hopefully I can change the future, as if I don't, it looks pretty bleak. Hell, not even a 2:1 in one of my exam/essays has been able to cheer me up. It's almost like the smallest ray of sunshine in a very dark tunnel right now. Of course when I say cheer me up, when people ask, "I'm fine yeah" or "nothing's the matter with me" because I like to conceal what actually runs through my head, and take solace in my blog. Once I start talking, I won't stop, and there aren't many people I feel comfortable enough with to contemplate talking about it. A few of you will probably guess though, and I'll feel forced into discussing. But I guess it's better than being forced into a corner, alone with your thoughts.

And that brings my complaints to an end for this particular entry, hope you all enjoyed reading again and welcome back my miserable ramblings with open arms.


Thursday, 2 February 2012

Second Chance

So, it's been that long since my blog entry, you've probably forgot who I am, and what this blog is about. I'm only joking, you clearly remember it for being the thing you hate to read, and don't know why you waste your time in doing so. So yeah, sorry for not posting etc, but I do have my reasons.

For once, I did the right thing and prioritised revision over the writing of this blog. Model student or what? Not quite, other things appeared to take priority over revision, such as darts, you know...but give me credit where it's due.

So, what's new? Well apart from the fact I'm not into what's hopefully my last semester as a University student, although given the way some of my exams went it's not something I'd put my student loan on, somewhat ironically. Oh, and my blog, despite no entries for about 4 weeks off the top of my head appears to be gaining popularity in Germany and Hungary. It was only a matter of time before my blog went national really, wasn't it? But seriously, who in Hungary knows me, and reads my blog? Not that I'm complaining, it just strikes me as being very curious.

But in my life, since the exams, things are somewhat looking up. You don't often get second chances, and at the minute it looks like I've been given two at once. I'm not going into anymore detail about what the second chances are for because they're private to me, but needless to say like with most second chances, I intend to grab it with open arms and hopefully make the most of them. Right now, for the first time in god only knows how long I feel like I'm holding the trump cards in my life. If one thing goes wrong, I seem to have something to fall back on, which I'm sure you'll appreciate gives you a bit more freedom to do what you want in life. However, this is me. Things are bound to go wrong at some point. They always do. But I feel prepared. I've already hit the first minor glitch. But I will deal with it. On the topic of second chances, I decided to give the man, the legend that is Anthony Forde a second chance by not dropping both Financial Crime and Criminal Evidence electives at uni, and I've been quite pleasantly surprised. As of a lot of my decisions lately, I feel vindicated in doing so. Long may this continue.

I know reading this you'll be surprised, I'm not complaining subliminally at girls, life, or anything else. Possibly even an upbeat entry. I hope you enjoyed reading as much as usual, which is probably not a lot.



Saturday, 7 January 2012

An Imminent Death

Hello again, and if you're reading this, welcome to 2012.

The death I am talking about is not that of a person, but that of a football club. Yes, I'm talking about Darlington Football Club. Today, as I write this, may signal the end of Darlington Football Club. In the last decade, Darlington have been into administration 3 times, so in reality the end was inevitable. But spare a thought for all the Darlington fans out there, who have fought and fought to save their club on numerous occasions, facing the prospect of the club they love ceasing to exist.

To all you football fans out there, imagine that possibility. The club you love and have loved for so many years, will just not exist anymore. A proud 128 year history gone, in a matter of minutes. No replacements. What happens? As a Sunderland fan, I have endured the pain of numerous relegations, the heartache of losing a play-off final on penalties. Any Newcastle fans out there, who have watched their club go from a Champions League team, to then have to spend a season in the Championship after being relegated. Ask them and me how much they hurt. Darlo have also suffered from lost play-off finals and relegations, of course, but all of that pales in insignificance compared to the likely ceasing of existence.

So where did it all go wrong? People always say it's easy to lay the blame on one person, but in this case, it's probably correct. The blame has to lie firmly on the door of George Reynolds. Reynolds expected promotion, and planned for it like it was a foregone conclusion, building a stadium that they realistically had no chance of ever filling. And the club's debts spiralled as a result. 4 chairmans, and 3 administrations later, Darlington find themselves on the verge of liquidation. The position has got so bad, that as a result of unpaid wages, their captain resulted to handing his notice in. Imagine that, in football. Contracted until who knows when, being able to pack your bags and hand your notice in.

Today's game away to Barrow could be the last time ever Darlington Football Club get to play in front of their fans. Their fans have remained loyal to the club throughout the ups and downs, mainly downs, and in retrospect the fact they got to watch their team win at Wembley last year is a memory that they will never forget, and no doubt today's game will also go down in memory if it is indeed their last match. Have a read of this article, see how much it means to the fans.

I for one, sincerely hope that someone can save them, but for a club with luck like Darlington's, if a miracle were to arrive, it would probably evaporate right in front of their eyes. If a miracle buyer cannot be found, I just hope that they can continue for one more week, just to give the Darlington players chance to play in front of their home fans for one last time. I imagine the town would unite, the stadium would be the closest to selling out the stadium for a competitive match it has ever been. The players and the fans deserve it. Would I be in attendance? I would do my very best to be there, yes.

But for today, it is only my heart that is with Darlington and their fans. I hope all of you feel the same. SAVE DARLINGTON FC.

Thanks for reading,
