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Monday, 27 February 2012

A Rant

As you probably guessed from the title, if you have a modicum of intelligence, this blog is going to just be one big rant of things I disagree with, as I don't have much to write about in my life these days.

Point number 1, to any of you who watch Geordie Shore, and follow on Twitter, you may have seen Gaz offering to "follow girls who tweet him pictures of their bum." My qualm is not with him (mainly because I could search all day and still not find logic as to why someone who pulls pretty much every night he goes out would act in such desperation) but with the girls who have been foolish enough to tweet their pictures. What is him following you really going to achieve in life? You have lost all self-respect to gain a 'celebrity' Twitter follower. Congratulations, I hope your parents are proud of this massive achievement and the ways in which you have gone about it. The things people do for 'fame' is really beyond belief. As Andy Warhol once said, "everyone will be famous for 15 minutes."

Point number 2, ignorance. Whether it be ignorance in the form of not saying thank you when you hold the door open, not using the word please, not texting back etc. Common courtesy, simple manners. Hardly any effort is required, please afford the effort I have given you, you ignorant shit. Or may it be ignorance to a situation. Stop pretending you don't know what's going on, because you do, and why you feel the need to play dumb baffles me beyond belief. Just for the record, if you're reading this point and thinking "he's talking about me here", I'm not talking about anyone in specific, but if you think I am talking about you, then chances are you've obviously fallen foul of my evidently high standards of mannerisms because you're feeling guilty. Either that, or you're ridiculously self-absorbed and need to realise the world does not revolve around you.

Point number 3, Piers Morgan. Everything about the man irritates me, from his arrogance to his sheer narcissism and condescension, and especially his football knowledge, or lack thereof. But I'll leave him for now, otherwise this entry will be too long to read.

Point number 5, people who can't count or spel. Basic education, or so you'd expect. Evidently not.

The real point number 5, for those imbeciles who didn't get the above joke, would have to be people who feel the need to lie to me. Why bother? There are white lies, I can accept. But I'm a man of reasonable intelligence. That's one bad (or good, whichever way you look at it) thing about social media outlets. The ability to know what people are doing, saying etc. Tell me one thing, then post the opposite on Facebook 10 minutes later and I'm probably going to realise that it is a lie. Again, aimed at no-one in particular, but I've seen it happen once or twice of late, not really to me I guess, but I know it's happened before. The problem is of course raising the issue, without being dubbed the "stalker". Chances are, the risk isn't worth the reward. You confront, and find out what you didn't wanna hear. But surely, it's better than never knowing the truth? Honesty is always the best policy.

Rant over, peace out. Hope you all enjoyed reading,
