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Thursday, 2 February 2012

Second Chance

So, it's been that long since my blog entry, you've probably forgot who I am, and what this blog is about. I'm only joking, you clearly remember it for being the thing you hate to read, and don't know why you waste your time in doing so. So yeah, sorry for not posting etc, but I do have my reasons.

For once, I did the right thing and prioritised revision over the writing of this blog. Model student or what? Not quite, other things appeared to take priority over revision, such as darts, you know...but give me credit where it's due.

So, what's new? Well apart from the fact I'm not into what's hopefully my last semester as a University student, although given the way some of my exams went it's not something I'd put my student loan on, somewhat ironically. Oh, and my blog, despite no entries for about 4 weeks off the top of my head appears to be gaining popularity in Germany and Hungary. It was only a matter of time before my blog went national really, wasn't it? But seriously, who in Hungary knows me, and reads my blog? Not that I'm complaining, it just strikes me as being very curious.

But in my life, since the exams, things are somewhat looking up. You don't often get second chances, and at the minute it looks like I've been given two at once. I'm not going into anymore detail about what the second chances are for because they're private to me, but needless to say like with most second chances, I intend to grab it with open arms and hopefully make the most of them. Right now, for the first time in god only knows how long I feel like I'm holding the trump cards in my life. If one thing goes wrong, I seem to have something to fall back on, which I'm sure you'll appreciate gives you a bit more freedom to do what you want in life. However, this is me. Things are bound to go wrong at some point. They always do. But I feel prepared. I've already hit the first minor glitch. But I will deal with it. On the topic of second chances, I decided to give the man, the legend that is Anthony Forde a second chance by not dropping both Financial Crime and Criminal Evidence electives at uni, and I've been quite pleasantly surprised. As of a lot of my decisions lately, I feel vindicated in doing so. Long may this continue.

I know reading this you'll be surprised, I'm not complaining subliminally at girls, life, or anything else. Possibly even an upbeat entry. I hope you enjoyed reading as much as usual, which is probably not a lot.



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